Our Team


Cathy Leung
Senior Architect
BA(AS)(1st Hons) HKU; MArch HKU; HKIA; HKARB Registered Architect

Jen Lam
Architectural Researcher

Lauren Fung
Architectural Assistant
MArch MSA, BA (Hons)

Kylie Wong
Architectural Designer
BA (Hons)

Pamela Wu
Administrative Manager


Maggie Ma Kingsley
BSSc(AS)(Hons), MArch, HKIA, HKARB Registered Architect, Assistant Professor(CUHK)

I am a Registered Architect graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. After a few years of commercial work experience, I looked for work with humanitarian focus and started working on rural projects in China. Since 2010, I have worked with rural communities, charity groups and local governments designing and constructing architectural projects, and research on the transformation of Chinese villages, towns and cities. With experience in building relationships, diplomacy and realising ideas, I co-founded DOMAT with Mark Kingsley in 2013.

Mark Kingsley
BA, Dip Arch, RIBA Chartered Architect

I am a graduate of The University of Sheffield, a school where social awareness is integral to architecture, and where theory and practice share an equal status. This led to my interest in different ways of doing architecture and projects that engage with daily life. After moving to Hong Kong in 2006, the reality of architectural production has meant that I worked primarily in commercial offices. Co-founding DOMAT is a return to hearty work that deals with ideas and pragmatism.

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DOMAT Limited
Unit 904, 9/F, Yip Fung Industrial Building
7 Sheung Hei Street
San Po Kong, KLN
Hong Kong SAR
