Awards and Citations
- AR House 2023, Winner
- UIA 2030 Award - Category 3: Adequate, Safe & Affordable Housing, Winner
- A--D Global Challenge 2021, Shortlisted
- WAN Award, Affordable Housing, Shortlisted
- Gold Pin Design Award 2022, Mark winner (Integration Design)
- Architizer A+Awards, Concepts - Plus-Architecture +For Good – Special Mentions
- Build Architecture Award, Best Community Architecture NPO - Greater ChinaBest Humanitarian Architecture Project (Greater China)
- AR Emerging Architects (AREA) Shortlisted Finalist, Architecture Review

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- AR Editors. (2023, December 4). AR House 2023 winners revealed. Architectural Review.
- Navone, N. (2023). Domat. In: Swiss Architectural Award 2022. Milan: Silvana Editoriale Mendrisio Academy Press. 72-75.
- Ruffian Thilakaratne & Athena Chau (2023, July) Home Modification for Low-income Families. In: UN SDGs – Hong Kong Architects in Action. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Institute of Architects, 46-55.
- Christele Harrouk (2022, June 18). On Inclusive, Safe, Resilient, and Sustainable Cities: In Conversation with the Winners of the UIA 2030 Award. In: Archdaily. Retrieved from
- Christele Harrouk (2022, June 29). Winners of the UIA 2030 Award Announced: Acknowledging Architects’ Contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals. In: Archdaily. Retrieved from
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- Ambrose Gillick (2021, November 29) Maggie Ma and Mark Kingsley: Engagement, housing and Hong Kong. In: A is for Architecture.
- Viu TV – Change Makers, Hong Kong
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