Blue House, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
The Useless Frame named after Zhongzi’s “Uselessness has far-reaching effects”.
An independent frame without an obvious use, contains the countless possibility of spacial creation.
Very often, we use the concept of usefulness to define objects. If we only abide by these standards, we are likely to give up those things which are considered as useless.
Yet “useless” itself can have far reaching effects, beyond a single standard. To break away from the idea of “use”, is to abandon the prejudice of a “tool”; in doing so, we can achieve a higher realm of far-reaching effect.
無方: 名字取自莊子 「無用方有大用」
外表看似一個獨立, 看不到實際用徐的方框, 其實蘊含著創造無數空間的可能。
「無用」的真正目的也是為了求一己之大用,而不拘束侷限在單一有用的框框內。跳脫「用」的一個觀念,拋棄 「器」的一個成見,往往在超越之後通到了一個更高的境界,也就是所謂的「無用方有大用」。